Special TIP for cabbage family crops.


Before you read this blog post - please click on the button below to see why our DRP CORE METHOD is so innovative.

Chicago-area kitchen gardeners have learned the hard way - it’s essential to cover cabbage family crops all season from cabbage worms and cabbage moths with floating row cover. Estelle has become an expert cabbage pest warrior with her use of “floating row cover” which she can explain more about, should you decide to buy these plants. READ MORE.


WARNING Broccoli Lovers!

Many food growers try to fit broccoli into their planting schedule because it is incredibly healthy. It is a good source of Vitamin A, potassium, folic acid, iron, and fiber. BUT – if you live in the Chicago area – think twice. You might have some major challenges. We want to at least give you proper warning – and then, you decide if you’re a risk taker!
Broccoli is attacked by multiple pests and diseases in our area. Many local home gardeners have given up growing broccoli and focus instead on other greens like kale, Swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli and Bok Choy. See a visual guide to 10 varieties of Asian greens at https://www.thekitchn.com/a-visual-guide-to-10-varieties-of-asian-greens-98840 Article “What is Chinese cabbage?” is at https://www.thespruceeats.com/chinese-cabbage-info-694681

Prevent clubroot: Broccoli is prone to a root fungus called clubroot that can be prevented by careful planting and planning.

WARNING: clubroot fungus is extremely contagious and can be spread to other plants with hands, tools, and anything that comes into contact with it. Also, it can come with seedlings that you purchase from garden centers - and once you have it in your raised bed, there is no way to get rid of it. Don’t worry about it attacking other plants in your bed - they are safe, So, beware of these risks and consider if it might be worth it to consider an alternative veggie.

Chicago-area customers can always call/text our team for cabbage family garden coaching (708-655-5299).

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