Meet DRP Founder — Deep Roots Project

Meet DRP Founder

Estelle Carol (Co-Executive Director, DRP) is an artist and healthy food enthusiast in equal parts. She views food gardening as a creative expression of her interest in (and obsession with) wellness. She is an accomplished graphic designer and business owner ( with a long history of non-profit involvement in the community. Over the 10 years that she has been passionately exploring organic food gardening, she has read extensively about soil health and is proud of the Deep Root’s Method - she is always improving it with the help of soil engineers and DRP customer feedback. Estelle enjoys researching the most economical and efficient products and the latest science-based methods for urban farmers. She continues to learn edible gardening from other gardeners, academicians, environmentalists, friends, books, videos and the internet and when she is not gardening, she still finds time to support social justice organizations. Estelle is the founder of HerStory – a non-profit dedicated to women’s issues.